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Sansaar Pilgrims

Encouraging individual self empowerment through diverse well-being systems with the help of traditional, mystical and energetic sciences.  To have these working in tandem in with living consciously in our ecological domain.

Sonal Patel

At this wondrous backdrop of 11 year of cultivation in an  Ashram, I have finally arrived at me.  Born in a traditional Hindu family life ambient with rituals and cultural  norms, for me lacking in a sense of spirit but seeped in devotion. This foundation establish a sense of strength and courage. As a young girl coming to America facing a new wave of perception, which came with natural anxieties, nevertheless absolute discernment.   A saving grace the devotional principles began to predominate a natural survival instinct to seek strength in a very changing environment.  This benchmark of truth which prevailed a deep yearning of life  as a cosmic truth.   As a seeker, nature guided me into spaces of human frailties and  suffering. These experiences intensified the question of what life is.....  Life navigated me into a tertiary education of business management, a natural step  from the environs of the family structure. Subsequent to that a natural progression  into family life.  The longing, together with yearning for the awareness of consciousness was brought to  light with Sadhguru about 12 years ago.  


This precious interaction became a life  changing inquiry into my purpose and meaning in this embodiment   Finally, there was the much needed respite from the onslaught of the mundane, allowing  the awakening of my inner spirit.


This journey took a decade of growth alongside the birth of a school of a visionary.  A school that I had  longed for as a child, was now availed to my children, to be nurtured in the way nature  intended. With this new wave of responsibility sparked an enthusiastic return to the deep delights of exploratory culinary skills.   A divine morsel appeared at each stage to feed many little ones as their mother. This  relationship deepened this engagement with the ongoing spiritual quest, and nourished  my own inner child to awaken. Creativity flowed through active engagement as a teacher  for the children; opening skills of art, drama, science of nature, storytelling and nurturing a small being to express their nature in absolute freedom.

This healing  journey became an everlasting pathway as a silent warrior.   accommodating healing to unveil the peaceful personification of who I have become  today. In this state of humility I avail myself to others in service. 

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