Sansaar Wellness
Integrated Health

Dr Arti Ghattaora
Introduction to Women’s Physiology
through the lens of Ayurveda, Siddha & Yoga
For thousands of years, Ayurveda and Siddha have provided a respectful and supportive approach for women through every stage of life. It is said that when we restore balance, we are happy in our minds, healthy in our bodies and satisfied in our lives!
This session explores different issues that arise during the different stages of a woman’s life. Every woman goes through a series of profound changes during her lifetime. The primary changes are called: menarche, pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause. Three unique organs make a woman very special. They are; the uterus, ovary and breast. The vagina is another organ that plays a major part in every aspect of a woman’s health. Female hormones are equally important factors as they play a vital role in the various physiological and emotional changes.
Your learning outcomes will be:
A clear understanding of women’s physiology from the ancient sciences
How women’s physiology is connected to cycles of nature
How the deviation from natures cycles create imbalances and diseases
A practical approach to developing a self-practice using the subtle sciences to inculcate inner balance in awakening the body through sound, breath and movement.
Early Bird Offer deadline: Tuesday 16 February 2021 (10% discount)
Module 1
£227 (10% discount)
In this session, we will explore the balances and imbalances that are created in the women’s physiology under the notion of hormones through the modern perspective. Using these ancient sciences which are grounded in a wise understanding of the natural order of the world, and hence they provide a roadmap for navigating imbalances that is comprehensive, manageable, and meaningful.
These ancient systems do not speak in terms of “hormones”. It has its own unique language and terms. Hormones are considered as “dhatu agni” (fire element in tissue). They are carried by the blood (pitta). Therefore, they are considered a component of Pitta. Dietary and behavioral activities bring many changes in the rakta dhatu (blood).
Your learning outcomes will be:
A practical and personal approach to balancing hormones using ancient wisdom as an elder;
To recognise the impact of hormones on emotions, the physical body and in the mind;
To firmly understand the emotional and physical suffering by identifying the root cause and having the tools to know what to do; and
To know one’s own prakruti (true nature), so that one can plan and practice an appropriate daily and seasonal dietetic and behavioral regime
A practical approach to developing a self-practice using the subtle sciences to inculcate inner balance in awakening the body through sound, breath and movement.
Early Bird Offer deadline: Tuesday 16 February 2021 (10% discount)
Module 2
£227 (10% discount)
This session focuses primarily on practical tools to assist you with transformational self-practice within the context of the alchemy of food, breath, sound and herbs
Your learning outcomes will be:
To use basic herbs and mineral compounds to achieve homeostasis in the body – having a home grown pharmacy;
Awakening the cosmic memory and intuition through breathing practices and movement; and
To connect with the vocal intelligence of sound and awaken the feminine spirit of wisdom and healing.
A practical approach to developing a self-practice using the subtle sciences to inculcate inner balance in awakening the body through sound, breath and movement.
Early Bird Offer deadline: Tuesday 16 February 2021 (10% discount)
Module 3
£227 (10% discount)
All Sessions £756 or £643 (15% discount)
Who should attend:
Holistic practitioners; Yoga Teachers; People with an interest in Ayurveda; Women seeking well-being
For further information, please email: sansaarwellness@outlook.com
Payment: Please forward payments to paypal account artipayments@gmail.com